Saturday, January 23, 2016

Easy Guacamole

So I had 4 avocados sitting on the counter and I HATE, HATE, HATE throwing away food.  I feel like I might as well be taking cash and chucking it straight into the trash can.  So, I cut them open and they were just about to be too ripe..

Easy Guacamole

4 Avocados
1 small onion, finely chopped or diced (make small pieces)
4 large cloves of garlic, minced or crushed with garlic press
Handful or two of small tomatoes quartered
1 lime juiced, or lime juice
Salt & pepper to taste

*Go easy on the salt, you can always add more later and LIME hits the same taste buds on the tongue so it's really easy to overdo the salt.

Peel and mash avocados and lime juice in a medium serving bowl.  The Stir in onion, garlic and tomato.  Season with remaining lime juice and salt and pepper to taste. Chill for half an hour or so to blend flavors. Overnight is even better, but who am I kidding? 

I had small, heirloom tomatoes on hand.  And a SMALL onion, not even close, that thing is the size of a softball so I only used half of it.

I USE my garlic press, almost every day.  Other than that, no excuses.  I hope the things in your kitchen look just as loved.

See how fine that garlic comes out?  Could I have done that with a knife? Sure, but the press is SO much faster.

 I have 1/2 that onion left and the onion is the strongest taste in the guacamole right now.  I put it in the 'fridge to let the flavors "marry" as they say.

As I suspected, it didn't make it a half an hour, but that's all good.  My dear husband loves avocados and guacamole is one of his favorites.  He even let the dogs have a taste. This is a Loki approved recipe ;)  Even Odin liked it... and he's our picky eater!  A cautionary note here... Onions and garlic in ALL forms (Fresh, powdered, dried, etc) can destroy a dog's red blood cells, leading to anemia.  One tiny little bite for my 100+ pound dogs probably won't hurt them.  But be aware and be careful.

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